
DJ Scene @ Level 2 in Harrisburg, PA on Saturday Sept 18th

DJ Scene live at The Park in Sacramento, CA - Sept 11, 2010

DJ Scene @ MGM Grand 54 Tuesday Aug 31, 2010

DJ Scene live at MGM Grand 54 Las Vegas

JB's Birthday party at Lucky Strike, Bellevue WA w/ 2010 Playmate of the year Hope Dworaczyk & DJ Scene

DJ Scene at Lucky Strike Bellevue, WA

DJ Scene @ MGM Grand 54 Tuesday nights in Vegas

DJ Scene at Redux in Walnut Creek (SF)

Thursday at Liquid Pool, Aria Las Vegas w/ DJ Scene

DJ Scene at Moon (Palms) Las Vegas w/ Mark Stylz

DJ Scene live at Stingaree San Diego Aug 13, 2010

DJ Scene live @ Pangea - Hard Rock Hollywood, FL

Famous booth at Magic convention w/ DJ Scene Aug 17th & 18th